Tuesday, July 21, 2009

dd Vitamin A treated acute viral conjunctivitis and the Gold ring treated bacterial infection

Conjunctivitis disease of the membrane covering the white part of the eyeball and eyelid lining the internal membrane called the conjunctiva. This may occur because of severe bacterial or viral infection, or because of microscopic organisms, and may also result in conjunctivitis or allergic chemical burns. In fact, most types of conjunctivitis caused by infection is the carrier of the infection. The symptoms of conjunctivitis and Aharqan Teariness itching and redness of the eye and the feeling that there is nothing stable in the eyeball. In addition, it may be Pussier Alajafnan and may be matted together. Acute conjunctivitis is happening or what is often called pink eye because of bacteria. In most cases, doctors can address the bacterial infection within a few days, the use of antibiotics. Most viral infections do not respond normally to the drugs. Types, including, but go away on its own. In spite of this, some types of viral infections may persist for a longer period and cause the cornea, a transparent fabric at the top of the eye. When this happens, the sight of the injured person may be affected. The inflammation caused by allergies are often linked to hay fever. Compresses the cold and help the eye to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation caused by allergies. The inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by exposure to chemicals, have caused serious damage to the eye. In many cases, can reduce this damage, the laundering of the eye immediately with water warm. The treatment of conjunctivitis: Used some herbs and food supplements for the treatment of conjunctivitis, as follows: First: The herbal medicines: 1 - Alarkon Eyebright: And is used so that the mucous membranes of the eye, conjunctivitis and released Eyelid inflammation and has many other uses. Compresses extract work from the grass and should be hot. The capsules could be taken up this work, or the grass and drink tea and take a small spoon to fill them and fill the cup with boiled water and leave 10 minutes and then filtered and drink twice a day. Can also Eyewash Bmgli the plant. 2 - gold ring Goldenseal: The gold ring is used for the eyes as Kgsol to bacterial infection. II: dietary supplements: use of the most important supplements are: 1 - Vitamin A: This vitamin is used for the treatment of viral infections of the conjunctiva using a hundred thousand IU per day for a month then 25000 IU per day. The dose should not exceed 10000 IU daily for pregnant women. 2 - zinc: strengthens the immune system. Take 50 mg a day and must not exceed 100 mg daily dose, preferably the use of zinc gluconate. Note: The treatment of conjunctivitis can be caused by the sensitivity of hay fever by using the drops are available in pharmacies, which contain Steroeidat taken upon the recommendation of Dr. 0. Antibiotics are also used to treat bacterial infections

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